会员 Benefits
Benefits of 会员
The Chamber of Commerce has many ways in which to benefit from membership. From support and promotion to discounts on many different products and services.
Auto-Owners Insurance
Chamber members are eligible for discounts on auto insurance. 如果你的保险公司有汽车车主保险,会员可以享受10%到12%的折扣.
STAR Insurance Agency Healthcare Discounts
亨廷顿商会现在提供一个创新的团体健康福利解决方案,旨在帮助会员公司战略性地管理医疗成本,同时仍然为员工提供巨大的福利! 负担得起的团体医疗保险是商会会员面临的最大挑战之一,我们有一个解决方案可以帮助您! 我们很高兴通过星达保险公司为我们的会员提供这一解决方案,保费可节省5%至15%.
PHP Healthy Hoosier Discount Plan
医生健康计划(PHP)现在通过他们的健康印第安纳折扣计划向亨廷顿县商会的成员提供折扣. Participants can save up to 30% over ACA plan rates. PHP表示,提供负担得起的团体健康福利是当今雇主面临的最大挑战之一,我们认为我们有解决方案.
商会会员的健康印第安纳折扣计划适用于拥有5至50名员工的雇主. 亨廷顿县商会的会员也可获得额外5%的折扣.
今天就打电话给福利顾问,询问有关PHP健康印第安纳州折扣计划的信息. Or contact PHP at: sales@phpni.com, or call (260) 432-6690, ext. 840.
MetroNet公司为亨廷顿县商会(亨廷顿 County Chamber of Commerce)的会员提供折扣,只要他们签约使用他们的服务. If you are a member of the Chamber of Commerce, and are looking for phone, 互联网, or television service, contact a local agent at (260) 504-2400 for their latest deals.
Comcast Business Advantage
康卡斯特商业公司为亨廷顿县商会的任何成员提供了与康卡斯特商业服务签约的折扣. If you are a member of the Chamber of Commerce, and are looking for phone, 互联网, or television service, sign up for three years, Comcast Business will offer you the best rates in the market. For more information contact Jeremiah Thompson at (765) 432-9869 or by email at jeremiah_thompson@comcast.com.
吃. 商店. 生活. Do More 亨廷顿!
The Chamber of Commerce has begun a program called 吃. 商店. 生活. Do More 亨廷顿. By being a member of the Chamber of Commerce, you are given a business decal highlighting your participation, 有机会在我们特别设计的网站和脸谱网页面上推广你们的销售. 你的销售和特价商品将在整个社区推广,并通过商会的许多不同的企业和朋友免费推广. There are no fees for Chamber members to participate in the 吃. 商店. 生活. Do More 亨廷顿 program.
Chamber Bucks Program
商会为亨廷顿县的任何企业提供商会雄鹿计划. Businesses purchase these Chamber Bucks for their employees for a job well done, 生日, 周年纪念日, or that special “thank you.” Employees then can use these Chamber Bucks at local Chamber member businesses. 商会向商会雄鹿的购买者提供参加商会雄鹿计划的所有企业的名单. There are no fees associated with purchasing Chamber Bucks.
Is your business looking for help? Do you know someone looking for a job? 商会可以通过其网站上的招聘页面帮助找到未来的员工或帮助某人找到工作. Our website is available to everyone looking for a job, while jobs may be posted by Chamber members free of charge. We have new jobs posted daily.
欢迎所有商会会员使用您的用户名和密码登录商会网站,发布自己的招聘名单. 如果您不确定如何做到这一点,只需致电商会办公室(260)356-5300. We will be happy to walk you through the very easy process. If you prefer, you can always email your job opening to skimmel@ksycmjg.com and we will be happy to post the job for you.
商会继续为那些在当地购物的个人提供热门优惠. 热门交易是向所有商会会员免费提供的商业促销活动, but can be used by anyone in the community.
如果您想在商会的网站上发布热门交易,并将其显示在商会的智能手机应用程序(MyChamberApp)上。, all you need to do is log in to the Chamber’s database and place your deal. 热的交易 are free to Chamber members. 这是商会帮助当地商界的一个很好的方式,为当地零售商店提供了另一种增加流量的选择, automotive repair shops, 餐馆或任何其他想提供交易来吸引顾客的企业. There is no cost to participate in the Hot Deal program.
如果您是商会会员,并希望为您的业务场所推广热门交易, 只需用你的用户名和密码登录到商会的数据库,然后发布你的交易. If you are unsure of how to do this, 您可以随时致电商会办公室(260)356-5300,我们将指导您完成这个简单的过程. If you prefer, you can always email your deal to skimmel@ksycmjg.com and we will be happy to place your Hot Deal for you. Don’t forget to download the Chamber’s smartphone app by going to www.mychamberapp.com or your favorite app store and look for MyChamberApp.
事件 and Activities
如果你的公司正在举办一个特别的活动,或者正在帮助组织一个活动, you can place the activity on the Chamber’s website free of charge. All you need to do is sign into the website and place your information. 如果您不确定如何做到这一点,请致电(260)356-5300给我们打电话,我们将帮助您设置. Its free and easy!
分数 of Northeast Indiana
亨廷顿县商会是印第安纳州东北部分数商业导师章节的卫星办公室. If you are looking to start a business, need help moving your business forward, or needing some type of advice for your business, 请致电商会办公室(260)356-5300,我们可以为您联系一位商业导师. All mentoring services are free.
Indiana Small Business Development Center
印第安纳州小企业发展中心(ISBDC)每月在亨廷顿的商会办公. If you or someone you know are looking to start a business, need help with your business, or just looking for support, members can visit with a representative from the ISBDC at no charge.
Small Business Resources and Programs
No need to go at it alone. From valuable insight to financial assistance, 商会为你提供了大量的资源,可以帮助你开始和/或发展你的业务.
Here at the Chamber, we’re here to help you succeed, grow and prosper. 您的业务就是我们的业务,除了这些资源,我们还专门为小型企业开发了这些资源, we’re always here to offer advice or to lend an ear. 联系商会通过电话,电子邮件或随时停下来与我们见面. Remember we’re here for you. Let us know how we can help.
Signing Up for the Chamber
如果您想注册商会,您可以在本页的附件中找到投资计划. All you need to do is download form, 填好信息,然后寄回亨廷顿县商会, 40 E. 富兰克林街,亨廷顿121室,46750,或填写并传真到(260)200-1222. You can find the Investment Schedule in a pdf format directly below.